
Key Derivation Function Concept

A KeyDerivationFunction is an object intended to compute non-isomorphic permutations from non-fixed size elements integral field to fixed-size elements integral field,


The type X satisfies KeyDerivationFunction if


  • MacType, the type named by X::mac_type
  • KeyType, the type named by X::key_type
  • SaltType, the type named by X::salt_type
  • LabelType, the type named by X::label_type
  • SecretType, the type template named by X::secret_type

The following type members must be valid and have their specified effects

Expression Type Requirements and Notes
X::mac_type MacType MacType type satisfies MessageAuthenticationCode concept
X::key_type KeyType KeyType type is a SequenceContainer of type T which satisfies Integral concept
X::salt_type SaltType SaltType type is a SequenceContainer of type T which satisfies Integral concept
X::label_type LabelType LabelType type is a SequenceContainer of type T which satisfies Integral concept
X::secret_type SecretType SecretType type is a SequenceContainer of type T which satisfies Integral concept

The following static data member definitions must be valid and have their specified effects

Expression Type Requirements and Notes
X::key_bits std::size_t Integral bits amount in KeyType
X::salt_bits std::size_t Integral bits amount in SaltType
X::label_bits std::size_t Integral bits amount in LabelType
X::secret_bits std::size_t Integral bits amount in SecretType

The following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects

Expression Requirements Return Type
X(key_type) Constructs stateful KeyDerivationFunction object with input key of key_type KeyDerivationFunction