
Public key scheme concept

A PublicKeyScheme is a stateless asymmetric crypto-scheme policy.


The type X satisfies PublicKeyScheme if at least there exist partial specializations of the templates public_key<X> and private_key<X> satisfying to the concepts PublicKey and PrivateKey accordingly.

Signature public key scheme concept

A SignaturePublicKeyScheme is a stateless asymmetric crypto-scheme policy supporting algorithms of signature creation and verification.


The type X satisfies SignaturePublicKeyScheme if it satisfies to the concept PublicKeyScheme and at least there exist partial specializations of the templates public_key<X> and private_key<X> satisfying to the concepts VerificationPublicKey and SigningPrivateKey accordingly.

Encryption public key scheme concept

An EncryptionPublicKeyScheme is a stateless asymmetric crypto-scheme policy supporting asymmetric encryption and decryption algorithms.


The type X satisfies EncryptionPublicKeyScheme if it satisfies to the concept PublicKeyScheme and at least there exist partial specializations of the templates public_key<X> and private_key<X> satisfying to the concepts EncryptionPublicKey and DecryptionPrivateKey accordingly.

Secret sharing scheme concept

An SecretSharingScheme is a stateless secret sharing crypto-scheme policy.


The type X satisfies SecretSharingScheme if at least there exist partial specializations of the templates deal_shares_op<X> satisfying to the concepts PublicKeyOperation, share_sss<Scheme> satisfying to the concepts Share, public_share_sss<Scheme> satisfying to the concepts PublicShare, secret_sss<Scheme> satisfying to the concepts Secret and following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::coeff_type type of polynomial coefficients
X::public_coeff_type type of public representatives of polynomial coefficients

Weighted secret sharing scheme concept

An WeightedSecretSharingScheme is a stateless secret sharing crypto-scheme policy.


The type X satisfies WeightedSecretSharingScheme if at least there exist partial specializations of the templates deal_shares_op<X> satisfying to the concepts PublicKeyOperation, share_sss<Scheme> satisfying to the concepts WeightedShare, public_share_sss<Scheme> satisfying to the concepts WeightedPublicShare, secret_sss<Scheme> satisfying to the concepts Secret.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::coeff_type type of polynomial coefficients
X::public_coeff_type type of public representatives of polynomial coefficients
X::weights_type type for defining weights of participants

Public key concept

A PublicKey is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of public key and defining methods to execute cryptographic algorithms, of some asymmetric crypto-scheme, assuming the use of the public key (for example, signature verification or message encryption).

Implementation of concept PublicKey for some asymmetric crypto-scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template public_key<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies PublicKey concept then following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying PublicKeyScheme concept
X::key_type type of internal representation of a public key material
X::internal_accumulator_type Type of object intended for accumulation of input message and performing any needed preparation of input data like padding, hashing or encoding

Other requirements


  • x object of type X
  • k object of type X::key_type
  • acc lvalue of type X::internal_accumulator_type
  • r object of the type satisfying SequenceContainerconcept
  • i, j objects of the type satisfying LegacyInputIterator concept
  • s object of type X::signature_type
Expression Return type Effects
X(k) X Constructs stateful PublicKey object with input public key material k
x.init_accumulator(acc) Initialize accumulator acc. The method is supposed to be called before call to method update
x.update(acc, r) Accumulate input message in acc to process it later by executing algorithms supported by Scheme
x.update(acc, i, j) Accumulate input message in acc to process it later by executing algorithms supported by Scheme

Signature verification public key concept

A VerificationPublicKey is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of public key and defining methods to execute cryptographic algorithms of particular asymmetric signature crypto-scheme.

Implementation of concept VerificationPublicKey for some asymmetric signature crypto-scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template public_key<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies VerificationPublicKey concept then it satisfies to PublicKey and following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying SignaturePublicKeyScheme concept
X::signature_type type representing signature of used Scheme

Other requirements


  • x object of type X
  • acc lvalue of type X::internal_accumulator_type
  • s object of type X::signature_type
Expression Return type Effects
x.verify(acc, s) bool Extract accumulator acc and process verification using extracted data, input signature s and public key material stored in x

Encryption public key scheme concept

A EncryptionPublicKey is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of public key and defining methods to execute cryptographic algorithms, of particular asymmetric encryption crypto-scheme, assuming the use of the private key.

Implementation of concept EncryptionPublicKey for some asymmetric encryption crypto-scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template public_key<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies EncryptionPublicKey concept then it satisfies to PublicKey and following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying EncryptionPublicKeyScheme concept
X::cipher_text_type type representing cipher-text of used Scheme

Other requirements


  • x object of type X
  • acc lvalue of type X::internal_accumulator_type
  • s object of type X::signature_type
Expression Return type Effects
x.encrypt(acc) X::cipher_text_type Extract accumulator acc and process encryption algorithm using extracted data and public key material stored in x

Public key concept

A PrivateKey is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of private key and defining methods to execute cryptographic algorithms, of particular asymmetric crypto-scheme, assuming the use of the private key (for example, signature creation or message decryption).

Implementation of concept PrivateKey for some asymmetric crypto-scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template private_key<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies PrivateKey concept then following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying PublicKeyScheme concept
X::key_type type of internal representation of a private key material
X::internal_accumulator_type Type of object intended for accumulation of input message and possibly performing any needed preparation of input data like padding, hashing or encoding

Other requirements


  • x object of type X
  • k object of type X::key_type
  • acc lvalue of type X::internal_accumulator_type
  • r object of the type satisfying SequenceContainer concept
  • i, j objects of the type satisfying LegacyInputIterator concept
Expression Return type Effects
X(k) X Constructs stateful PrivateKey object with input private key material k
x.init_accumulator(acc) Initialize accumulator acc. The method is supposed to be called before call to method update
x.update(acc, r) Accumulate input message in acc to process it later by executing algorithms supported by Scheme
x.update(acc, i, j) Accumulate input message in acc to process it later by executing algorithms supported by Scheme

Public key concept

A SigningPrivateKey is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of private key and defining methods to execute cryptographic algorithms, of some asymmetric encryption crypto-scheme, assuming the use of the private key.

Implementation of concept SigningPrivateKey for some asymmetric encryption crypto-scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template private_key<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies SigningPrivateKey concept then it satisfies PrivateKey concept and following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying SignaturePublicKeyScheme concept
X::signature_type type representing signature of used Scheme

Other requirements


  • x object of type X
  • acc lvalue of type X::internal_accumulator_type
Expression Return type Effects
x.sign(acc) X::signature_type Extract accumulator acc and process signing algorithm using extracted data and private key material stored in objectx

Public key concept

A DecryptionPrivateKey is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of private key and defining methods to execute cryptographic algorithms, of some asymmetric encryption crypto-scheme, assuming the use of the private key.

Implementation of concept DecryptionPrivateKey for some asymmetric encryption crypto-scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template private_key<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies DecryptionPrivateKey concept then it satisfies PrivateKey concept and following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying EncryptionPublicKeyScheme concept
X::plain_text_type type representing plain-text (decryption result) of used Scheme

Other requirements


  • x object of type X
  • acc lvalue of type X::internal_accumulator_type
Expression Return type Effects
x.decrypt(acc) X::plain_text_type Extract accumulator acc and process decryption algorithm using extracted data and private key material stored in object x

Public key concept

A PublicKeyOperation is a concept of a stateless policy defining methods to execute an algorithm, supported by some asymmetric crypto-scheme, not assuming the use of a single cryptographic key (for example, the BLS scheme aggregation algorithm).

Implementation of concept PublicKeyOperation for some asymmetric crypto-scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by declaration of template named like algorithm_name_op and defining partial specialization of this template algorithm_name_op<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies PublicKeyOperation concept then following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying PublicKeyScheme concept
X::internal_accumulator_type Type of object intended for accumulation of input message and possibly performing any needed preparation of input data like padding, hashing or encoding
X::result_type type of algorithm result

Other requirements


Expression Return type Effects
X::init_accumulator(acc) Initialize accumulator acc. The method is supposed to be called before call to method update
X::update(acc, r) Accumulate input data in acc to process it later by executing algorithms supported by Scheme
X::update(acc, i, j) Accumulate input data in acc to process it later by executing algorithms supported by Scheme

|X::process(acc)|Extract accumulator acc and process algorithm using extracted data|

Public key concept

A Share is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of share and defining methods to work with it of some secret sharing scheme.

Implementation of concept Share for some secret sharing scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template share_sss<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies Share concept then following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying SecretSharingScheme concept
X::index_type integral type for index representation of particular share
X::value_type type of share material stored in the object
X::data_type type of data stored in the object, contains all of the data stored in the object

Other requirements

Expression Return type Effects
x.get_index() X::index_type return share index
x.get_value() const X::value_type & return share value
x.get_data() const X::data_type & return raw data stored in the x
static_cast<public_share<typename X::scheme_type>>(x) public_share<typename X::scheme_type> convert share to public representative

Public key concept

A PublicShare is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of public representative of share and defining methods to work with it for some secret sharing scheme.

Implementation of concept PublicShare for some secret sharing scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template public_share_sss<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies PublicShare concept then following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying SecretSharingScheme concept
X::index_type integral type for index representation of particular share
X::value_type type of share material stored in the object
X::data_type type of data stored in the object, contains all of the data stored in the object

Other requirements

Expression Return type Effects
x.get_index() X::index_type return share index
x.get_value() const X::value_type & return share value
x.get_data() const X::data_type & return raw data stored in the x

Public key concept

A WeightedShare is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of share and defining methods to work with it of some weighted secret sharing scheme.

Implementation of concept WeightedShare for some weighted secret sharing scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template share_sss<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies WeightedShare concept then it satisfies to the Share concept and following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Expression Return type Effects
x.get_weight() std::size_t return participant weight

Public key concept

A WeightedPublicShare is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of public representative of share and defining methods to work with it for some weighted secret sharing scheme.

Implementation of concept WeightedPublicShare for some weighted secret sharing scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template public_share_sss<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies WeightedPublicShare concept then it satisfies PublicShare concept following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Expression Return type Effects
x.get_weight() std::size_t return participant weight

Public key concept

A Secret is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of secret and defining methods to work with it for some secret sharing scheme.

Implementation of concept Secret for some secret sharing scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template secret_sss<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies Secret concept then following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying SecretSharingScheme concept
X::value_type type of secret material stored in the object

Other requirements

Expression Return type Effects
x.get_value() const X::value_type & return share value
static_cast<public_secret<typename X::scheme_type>>(x) public_secret<typename X::scheme_type> convert share to public representative

Public key concept

A PublicSecret is a concept of a stateful object containing cryptographic material of public representative of secret and defining methods to work with it for some secret sharing scheme.

Implementation of concept PublicSecret for some secret sharing scheme policy Scheme is assumed to be done by defining partial specialization of template public_secret_sss<Scheme>.


If the type X satisfies PublicSecret concept then following expressions must be valid and have their specified effects.

Member types

Expression Requirements and Notes
X::scheme_type type satisfying SecretSharingScheme concept
X::value_type type of public representative of secret material stored in the object

Other requirements

Expression Return type Effects
x.get_value() const X::value_type & return share value