
Example 1: Inner-product component

Let's show how to create a simple circuit for the calculation of the public inner product of two secret vectors. In crypto3-zk library, the blueprint is where arithmetic circuits are collected. The statement (or public values) is called primary_input and the witness (or secret values) is called auxiliary_input. Let bp be a blueprint and A and B are vectors which inner product res has to be calculated.

blueprint<FieldType> bp;
blueprint_variable_vector<FieldType> A;
blueprint_variable_vector<FieldType> B;
variable<FieldType> res;

Then we associate the variables to a blueprint by using the function allocate(). The variable n shows the size of the vectors A and B. Note, that each use of allocate() increases the size of auxiliary_input.

A.allocate(bp, n);
B.allocate(bp, n);

Note, that the first allocated variable on the blueprint is a constant 1. So, the variables on the blueprint would be 1 , res, A[0], ..., A[n-1], B[0], ..., B[n-1].

To specify which variables are public and which ones are private we use the function set_input_sizes(1), so only res value is a primary input. Thus, usually, the primary input is allocated before the auxiliary input in the program.

Component is a class for constructing a particular constraint system. The component's constructor allocates intermediate variables, so the developer is responsible for allocation only primary and auxiliary variables. Any Component has to implement two methods: generate_r1cs_constraints() and generate_r1cs_witness().

Now we initialize the simple component inner_product_component. The function generate_r1cs_constraints() add R1CS constraints to the blueprint corresponding to the circuit.

inner_product_component<FieldType> compute_inner_product(bp, A, B, res, "compute_inner_product");

Next, we set the random values to vectors.

for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
bp.val(A[i]) = algebra::random_element<FieldType>();
bp.val(B[i]) = algebra::random_element<FieldType>();

The function generate_r1cs_witness() computes intermediate witness value for the public values and the inner product for the res.


Proof generation

Using the example above we can finally create and verify proof.

  • The generator grth16::generator creates proving keys and verification keys for our constraints system.
  • The proving key, public input bp.primary_input, and private input bp.auxiliary_input are used for the constructing of the proof (grth16::prover).
  • For verifying of the proof we use verifying key keypair.vk, public input bp.primary_input in the grth16::verifier.
using grth16 = r1cs_gg_ppzksnark<curve_type>;
typename grth16::keypair_type keypair = grth16::generator(bp.get_constraint_system());
typename grth16::proof_type proof =
grth16::prover(, bp.primary_input, bp.auxiliary_input);
const bool ans = grth16::verifier(keypair.vk, bp.primary_input, proof);

We expect to obtain the boolean value ans == true, which says that we have a correct proof.

Example 2: SHA2-256 component

Now we want to consider a more complicated construction of a circuit. Assume that the prover wants to prove that they know a preimage for a hash digest chosen by the verifier, without revealing what the preimage is. Let hash function be a 2-to-1 SHA256 compression function for our example.

We will show the process for some pairing-friendly curve curve_type and its scalar field field_type.

Firstly, we need to create a blueprint and allocate the variables left, right and output at the blueprint. The allocation on the blueprint proceeds at the constructor of digest_variable. Then we initialize the gadget sha256_two_to_one_hash_component and add constraints at the generate_r1cs_constraints() function.

blueprint<field_type> bp;
digest_variable<field_type> left(bp, hashes::sha2<256>::digest_bits);
digest_variable<field_type> right(bp, hashes::sha2<256>::digest_bits);
digest_variable<field_type> output(bp, hashes::sha2<256>::digest_bits);
sha256_two_to_one_hash_component<field_type> f(bp, left, right, output);

After the generation of r1cs constraints, we need to transform data blocks into bit vectors. We use a custom pack, which allows us to convert data from an arbitrary data type to bit vectors. The following code can be used for this purpose:

std::array<std::uint32_t, 8> array_a_intermediate;
std::array<std::uint32_t, 8> array_b_intermediate;
std::array<std::uint32_t, 8> array_c_intermediate;
std::array<std::uint32_t, 8> array_a = {0x426bc2d8, 0x4dc86782, 0x81e8957a, 0x409ec148,
0xe6cffbe8, 0xafe6ba4f, 0x9c6f1978, 0xdd7af7e9};
std::array<std::uint32_t, 8> array_b = {0x038cce42, 0xabd366b8, 0x3ede7e00, 0x9130de53,
0x72cdf73d, 0xee825114, 0x8cb48d1b, 0x9af68ad0};
std::array<std::uint32_t, 8> array_c = {0xeffd0b7f, 0x1ccba116, 0x2ee816f7, 0x31c62b48,
0x59305141, 0x990e5c0a, 0xce40d33d, 0x0b1167d1};
std::vector<bool> left_bv(hashes::sha2<256>::digest_bits),
detail::pack<stream_endian::big_octet_little_bit, stream_endian::little_octet_big_bit, 32, 32>(
detail::pack<stream_endian::big_octet_little_bit, stream_endian::little_octet_big_bit, 32, 32>(
detail::pack<stream_endian::big_octet_little_bit, stream_endian::little_octet_big_bit, 32, 32>(
detail::pack_to<stream_endian::big_octet_big_bit, 32, 1>(
detail::pack_to<stream_endian::big_octet_big_bit, 32, 1>(
detail::pack_to<stream_endian::big_octet_big_bit, 32, 1>(

After getting bit vectors, we can generate r1cs witnesses.


Now we have the blueprint with SHA2-256 component on it and can prove our knowledge of the source message using Groth-16 (r1cs_gg_ppzksnark) as we did before .