
Encoders/decoders usage is usually split to three stages:

  1. Initialization. Implicit stage, in most cases no state scheduling is required.
  2. Accumulation.
  3. Encoding.
  4. Finalization.

This separation defines the implementation architecture.

Some particular encoders merge accumulation step with encoding step. This means input data block gets encoded as far as it is found filled with enough data. Others use "lazy" encoding, accumulating the unprocessed data before it gets encoded/decoded.

Architecture Overview

Codec library architecture consists of several parts listed below:

  1. Algorithms
  2. Stream Processors
  3. Codec Algorithms
  4. Accumulators
  5. Value Processors


Implementation of a library is considered to be highly compliant with STL. So the crucial point is to have encodes to be usable in the same way as STL algorithms do.

STL algorithms library mostly consists of generic iterator and since C++20 range-based algorithms over generic concept-compliant types. Great example is std::transform algorithm:

template<typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename UnaryOperation>
OutputIterator transform(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator out, UnaryOperation unary_op);
decoded_range< UnaryFunction, SinglePassRange > transform(SinglePassRange &rng, UnaryFunction fn)
Definition: decrypted.hpp:100
nil::crypto3::math::expressions::detail::parser::unary_op_ unary_op

Input values of type InputIterator operate over any iterable range, no matter which particular type is supposed to be processed. While OutputIterator provides a type-independent output place for the algorithm to put results no matter which particular range this OutputIterator represents.

Since C++20 this algorithm got it analogous inside Ranges library as follows:

template<typename InputRange, typename OutputRange, typename UnaryOperation>
OutputRange transform(InputRange rng, OutputRange out, UnaryOperation unary_op);

This particular modification takes no difference if InputRange is a Container or something else. The algorithm is generic just as data representation types are.

As much as such algorithms are implemented as generic ones, encoding algorithms should follow that too:

template<typename BlockCipher, typename InputIterator, typename KeyIterator, typename OutputIterator>
OutputIterator encrypt(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, KeyIterator kfirst, KeyIterator klast, OutputIterator out);
OutputIterator encrypt(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, KeyInputIterator key_first, KeyInputIterator key_last, OutputIterator out)
Definition: block/include/nil/crypto3/block/algorithm/encrypt.hpp:66

`Codec` represents the particular block cipher will be used. InputIterator represents the input data coming to be encrypted. Since block ciphers rely on secret key KeyIterator represents the key data, and OutputIterator is exactly the same as it was in std::transform algorithm - it handles all the output storage operations.

The most obvious difference between std::transform is a representation of a policy defining the particular behaviour of an algorithm. std::transform proposes to pass it as a reference to Functor, which is also possible in case of `Codec` policy used in function already pre-scheduled:

template<typename BlockCipher, typename InputIterator, typename KeyIterator, typename OutputIterator>
OutputIterator encrypt(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, KeyIterator kfirst, KeyIterator klast, OutputIterator out);

Algorithms are no more than an internal structures initializer wrapper. In this particular case algorithm would initialize stream processor fed with accumulator set with `codec` accumulator inside initialized with `Codec` initialized with KeyType retrieved from input KeyIterator instances.

Stream Data Processing

Encodees are usually defined for processing Integral value typed byte sequences of specific size packed in blocks (e.g. base64 is defined for byte sequences, which gets processed per 4-byte block). Implementation supposes the input data to be a various-length input stream, which length could be not even to block size.

This requires an introduction of stream processor specified with particular parameter set unique for each `Codec` type, which takes input data stream and gets it split to blocks filled with converted to appropriate size integers (words in the cryptography meaning, not machine words).

Example. Lets assume input data stream consists of 16 bytes as follows.

Lets assume the selected cipher to be used is Rijndael with 32 bit word size, 128 bit block size and 128 bit key size. This means input data stream needs to be converted to 32 bit words and merged to 128 bit blocks as follows:

Now with this a `Codec` instance of `rijndael` can be fed.

This mechanism is handled with stream_processor template class specified for each particular cipher with parameters required. Block ciphers suppose only one type of stream processor exist - the one which split the data to blocks, converts them and passes to AccumulatorSet reference as cipher input of format required. The rest of data not even to block size gets converted too and fed value by value to the same AccumulatorSet reference.

Data Type Conversion

Since block cipher algorithms are usually defined for Integral types or byte sequences of unique format for each cipher, encryption function being generic requirement should be handled with particular cipher-specific input data format converter.

For example `rijndael` cipher is defined over blocks of 32 bit words, which could be represented with uint32_t. This means all the input data should be in some way converted to 4 byte sized Integral type. In case of InputIterator is defined over some range of Integral value type, this is is handled with plain byte repack as shown in previous section. This is a case with both input stream and required data format are satisfy the same concept.

The more case with input data being presented by sequence of various type T requires for the T to has conversion operator operator Integral() to the type required by particular `BlockCipher` policy.

Example. Let us assume the following class is presented:

class A {
std::size_t vals;
std::uint16_t val16;
std::char valc;

Now let us assume there exists an initialized and filled with random values SequenceContainer of value type A:

std::vector<A> a;

To feed the `BlockCipher` with the data presented, it is required to convert A to Integral type which is only available if A has conversion operator in some way as follows:

class A {
operator uint128_t() {
return (vals << (3U * CHAR_BIT)) & (val16 << 16) & valc
std::size_t vals;
std::uint16_t val16;
std::char valc;

This part is handled internally with stream_processor configured for each particular cipher.

Block Cipher Algorithms

Block cipher algorithms architecturally are stateful policies, which structural contents are regulated by concepts and runtime content is a scheduled key data. Block cipher policies are required to be compliant with `BlockCipher` concept.

`BlockCipher` policies are required to be constructed with particular policy-compliant strictly-typed key data, usually represented by BlockCipher::key_type. This means construction of such a policy is quite a heavy task, so this should be handled with care. The result of a `BlockCipher` construction is filled and strictly-typed key schedule data member.

Once initialized with particular key, `BlockCipher` policy is not meant to be reinitialized, but only destructed. Destruction of a `BlockCipher` instance should zeroize key schedule data.

Usually such a `BlockCipher` policy would contain constexpr static const std::size_t-typed numerical cipher parameters, such as block bits, word bits, block words or cipher rounds.

Coming to typedefs contained in policy - they meant to be mostly a fixed-length arrays (usually std::array), which guarantees type-safety and no occasional input data length issues.

Functions contained in policy are meant to process one block of strictly-typed data (usually it is represented by block_type typedef) per call. Such functions are stateful with respect to key schedule data represented by key_schedule_type and generated while block cipher constructor call.


Encryption contains an accumulation step, which is implemented with Boost.Accumulators library.

All the concepts are held.

Encoders and decoders contains pre-defined `accumulator_set`, which is a boost::accumulator_set with pre-filled `codec` accumulator.

Block accumulator accepts only one either block_type::value_type or block_type at insert.

Accumulator is implemented as a caching one. This means there is an input cache sized as same as particular BlockCipher::block_type, which accumulates unprocessed data. After it gets filled, data gets encrypted, then it gets moved to the main accumulator storage, then cache gets emptied.

`block` accumulator internally uses `bit_count` accumulator and designed to be combined with other accumulators available for Boost.Accumulators.

Example. Let's assume there is an accumulator set, which intention is to encrypt all the incoming data with `rijndael<128, 128>` cipher and to compute a `sha2<256>` hash of all the incoming data as well.

This means there will be an accumulator set defined as follows:

using namespace boost::accumulators;
using namespace nil::crypto3;
accumulators::block<block::rijndael<128, 128>>,
accumulators::hash<hashes::sha2<256>>> acc;
boost::accumulators::accumulator_set< digest< ProcessingMode::block_bits >, boost::accumulators::features< accumulators::tag::block< ProcessingMode > >, std::size_t > accumulator_set
Accumulator set with pre-defined block cipher accumulator params.
Definition: block/include/nil/crypto3/block/cipher_state.hpp:51
Definition: pair.hpp:32

Extraction is supposed to be defined as follows:

std::string hash = extract::hash<hashes::sha2<256>>(acc);
std::string ciphertext = extract::block<block::rijndael<128, 128>>(acc);
boost::mpl::apply< AccumulatorSet, tag::hash< Hash > >::type::result_type hash(const AccumulatorSet &acc)
Definition: accumulators/hash.hpp:284

Value Postprocessors

Since the accumulator output type is strictly tied to `digest_type` of particular `BlockCipher` policy, the output format in generic is closely tied to digest type too. Digest type is usually defined as fixed or variable length byte array, which is not always the format of container or range user likes to store output in. It could easily be a std::vector<uint32_t> or a std::string, so there is a `cipher_value` state holder which is made to be implicitly convertible to various container and range types with internal data repacking implemented.

Such a state holder is split to a couple of types:

  1. Value holder. Intended to have an internal output data storage. Actually stores the AccumulatorSet with digest data.
  2. Reference holder. Intended to store a reference to external AccumulatorSet, which is usable in case of data gets appended to existing accumulator.